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It Gets Great Gas Mileage

I have a 1980 Toyota Corrolla with 240,000 miles on it. It used to belong to Alice Frost Kennedy. She was well-known in Pasadena as a champion of our urban “forest.” Pasadena has lots of wonderful trees…over 50,000 street trees. Thanks, Alice.

My Corrolla has a bashed in passenger door. The door does not open, so if a passenger wants to get in, s/he must enter through the driver’s door. My younger son thought he could climb through the passenger door window, so he shoved the window down into the door. Now the window won’t go back up.

The nice thing about an old car (we call it The Bucket) is that you can plaster it with bumper stickers. Here’s my collection:

~ The best things in life aren’t things.

~ An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

~ Who would Jesus bomb?



This is a personal blog. Expect a potpourri of stuff.

7 thoughts on “It Gets Great Gas Mileage

  1. Coexistence is a pretty low goal in my mind. What is the point of just coexisting? It doesn’t compel anyone to want to stop violence. Coexistence is not the answer. Love is the answer. Love for your enemies. That is Jesus Christ’s command to his disciples: to love even their enemies. That’s why your other bumper sticker: “Who would Jesus bomb?” doesn’t make any sense. Jesus came to earth as Almighty God, and instead of torching people, he submitted himself to death on a cross. Now that’s the kind of love that compels me. What compels you to love others?

  2. I disagree with your assessment of the bumper sticker. I think it really is about ending violence, especially violence in the name of religion. Coexistence means we accept that different people have different points of view.

    “Who would Jesus bomb?” is meant to be ironic.

  3. Daniel Walters said :-
    “Coexistence is a pretty low goal in my mind. What is the point of just coexisting? It doesn’t compel anyone to want to stop violence. Coexistence is not the answer. Love is the answer. Love for your enemies. That is Jesus Christ’s command to his disciples: to love even their enemies. That’s why your other bumper sticker: “Who would Jesus bomb?” doesn’t make any sense. Jesus came to earth as Almighty God, and instead of torching people, he submitted himself to death on a cross. Now that’s the kind of love that compels me. What compels you to love others?”

    So why does his 10 commandments say that he is the only God and no other God before or after him ? Christianity is the reason why CoExist stickers are necessary. Islam is the reason why bombs are necessary. The Hindus and Buddhists have too many kids and the athiests are the only ones doing it right.


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